Webinar Recording

Here's the Full Webinar for Your Ultimate Investment Guide

2025 Market Outlook & Top Stocks to watch with
Mathan Somasundaram

We help self-directed investors and self-managed super funds (SMSF) make smarter investment decisions and get better returns.

Shares in Value Pty Ltd (ACN: 643 558 436) is a Corporate Authorised Representative(AFSR No-001283429) of One Mile Investment Group (ACN: 664624846) which holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL no. 547945). The information on this website is general information only and does not constitute personal financial advice. We have not taken the individual circumstances, financial objectives or needs of any investor into account when preparing this information. Investors should consider their circumstances and the relevant PDS for any investment and obtain professional financial and tax advice before making any investment decision. The information on this website is not a recommendation to make any investment or to adopt any particular investment strategy. You should make your own professional assessment of the suitability of this information, relying on your own inquiries, investments in securities, are subject to investment risk. Investment value may go down as well as up, and investors may not get back the full amount originally invested. Risks include: the investment objective may not be achieved, share market and other market risk, liquidity risk, and currency risk with international investments. Any past performance shown is not an indication of future performance. Commission and other costs charged by executing broker are not considered when calculating past performance. To the extent permitted by law Shares in Value pty ltd accepts no liability for any errors or omissions in, or loss from reliance on the information in, this website.

We help self-directed investors and self-managed super funds (SMSF) make smarter investment decisions and get better returns.

Shares in Value Pty Ltd (ACN: 643 558 436) is a Corporate Authorised Representative(AFSR No-001283429) of One Mile Investment Group (ACN: 664624846) which holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL no. 547945). The information on this website is general information only and does not constitute personal financial advice. We have not taken the individual circumstances, financial objectives or needs of any investor into account when preparing this information. Investors should consider their circumstances and the relevant PDS for any investment and obtain professional financial and tax advice before making any investment decision. The information on this website is not a recommendation to make any investment or to adopt any particular investment strategy. You should make your own professional assessment of the suitability of this information, relying on your own inquiries, investments in securities, are subject to investment risk. Investment value may go down as well as up, and investors may not get back the full amount originally invested. Risks include: the investment objective may not be achieved, share market and other market risk, liquidity risk, and currency risk with international investments. Any past performance shown is not an indication of future performance. Commission and other costs charged by executing broker are not considered when calculating past performance. To the extent permitted by law Shares in Value pty ltd accepts no liability for any errors or omissions in, or loss from reliance on the information in, this website.

We help self-directed investors and self-managed super funds (SMSF) make smarter investment decisions and get better returns.

Shares in Value Pty Ltd (ACN: 643 558 436) is a Corporate Authorised Representative(AFSR No-001283429) of One Mile Investment Group (ACN: 664624846) which holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL no. 547945). The information on this website is general information only and does not constitute personal financial advice. We have not taken the individual circumstances, financial objectives or needs of any investor into account when preparing this information. Investors should consider their circumstances and the relevant PDS for any investment and obtain professional financial and tax advice before making any investment decision. The information on this website is not a recommendation to make any investment or to adopt any particular investment strategy. You should make your own professional assessment of the suitability of this information, relying on your own inquiries, investments in securities, are subject to investment risk. Investment value may go down as well as up, and investors may not get back the full amount originally invested. Risks include: the investment objective may not be achieved, share market and other market risk, liquidity risk, and currency risk with international investments. Any past performance shown is not an indication of future performance. Commission and other costs charged by executing broker are not considered when calculating past performance. To the extent permitted by law Shares in Value pty ltd accepts no liability for any errors or omissions in, or loss from reliance on the information in, this website.